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型 號BDJC-50KV







1、運行于WIN  XP/WIN7/WIN8系統下的獨立安裝軟件,界面友好,操作簡單    2、實驗顯示曲線,數據自動儲存,自動查找  3、多種用途可以進行交、直流試驗試驗準確、可靠、安全   4、計算機控制試驗過程,自動判斷停止,自動復位   5、超壓、過流、短路、漏電、誤操作等多種保護




  01、軟件平臺:WINDOWS窗口操作平臺,界面直觀,便于操作、  02、曲線顯示:在實驗過程中可以動態顯示試驗曲線   03、數據導出:可以對試驗結果導入EXCEL表格  04、實驗報告:可以人為設置報告名稱,并對實驗報告進行打印   05、試驗方式:可以根據需求對直流試驗和交流試驗進行靈活選擇   06、試驗方法:可以根據需求自行選擇擊穿電壓、耐壓試驗、梯度試驗   07、參數設置:可以根據不同的試驗方式及試驗方法靈活設置所需的不同參數值  08、試樣設置:可對不同標準的試樣參數靈活設置   09、人員管理:設置用戶名及密碼,不同的操作員登入進行不同的試驗,互不影響  10、標準選擇:含有不同標準,可根據需求自行選擇





01、輸入電壓: 交流 220 V 02、輸出電壓: 交流 0--100 KV ;  直流 0—100 KV

03、電器容量: 10KVA   04、高壓分級: 0-100KV   05、升壓速率:0.01-5.0kv





1、升壓部件:由調壓器和高壓變壓器組成0~50KV的升壓部分。 2、動部件:由步進電機均勻調節調壓器使加給高壓變壓器的電壓變化。 3、檢測部件:由集成電路組成的測量電路。通過信號線把檢測的模擬信號和開關信號傳給計算機。 4、計算機軟件:通過智能電路把由檢測設備采集的測控信號傳給計算機。計算機根據采集的信息控制設備運行并處理試驗結果。  5、試驗電極:根據國家標準(1408.1-2006)隨設備提供三個電極,具體規格為:Ф25mm×25mm兩個;Ф75mm×25mm一個。













1、耐電壓值: 將電壓升高到規定值,保持一定時間試樣未被擊穿,稱此電壓值為試樣的耐電壓值;2、擊穿電壓: 試樣在某一電壓作用下被擊穿,此時的電壓值稱擊穿電壓;3、擊穿電壓強度: 試樣的擊穿電壓與其厚度之比,稱電壓強度,以KV/mm表示。





























Insulation breakdown voltage tester product features 
1, run on Windows XP/Windows 7 / doing under the system of independent software installation, friendly interface, simple operation, experiment 2 showed curve, data storage automatically, can automatically find 3, a variety of utility ac and dc test experiment was carried out accurate and reliable, safe and 4, the computer control experiment process, automatic stop, automatic reset 5, overpressure, over current, short circuit, leakage, wrong operation and so on the many kinds of protection 
Insulation breakdown voltage tester software functions: 
01, software platform: WINDOWS operating platform, intuitive interface, easy to operate, 02, curve display: in the process of experiment can dynamically display test curve 03, data export: can be on the test results into EXCEL spreadsheet 04, experiment report, report the name can be set, and the experiment report print 05, test method: dc test and ac test according to the requirements for flexible choice of 06, test method, can according to demand to choose the breakdown voltage, compression test, the gradient test 07, parameter Settings: can according to the different test method and test method for flexible Settings required for different parameter value of the euro, sample setting: can be set up for different standard sample parameters of flexible 09, personnel management: set the user name and password, different operator login in different experiments, each other 10, selection criteria: contain different standards, can choose according to the demand 
11, continuous operation, continuous operation test, can choose motor directly in the software reset, for a second test 
Insulation breakdown voltage tester technical indicators: 
02:01, input voltage ac 220 V, output voltage: communication 0-100 KV; Dc 0-100 KV 
03, electric capacity: 10 kva 04, high-pressure sizing: 0-100 kv 05, pressure rise rate: 0.01 to 5.0 kv 
Insulation breakdown voltage tester of the machine: 
1, booster parts: consists of a voltage regulator and the high voltage transformer 0 ~ 50 kv booster section. 2, moving parts: uniform regulation voltage regulator by stepper motor to high voltage transformer voltage change. 3, test parts: measurement circuit composed of integrated circuit. Through the analog signal and the detection line switch signal to the computer. 4, computer software, by testing equipment acquisition through inligent circuit of measurement and control signals to the computer. Computer control equipment operation according to the collected information and process the test results. 5, test electrode: according to the national standard (1408.1-2006) with the equipment to provide three electrodes, specifications are: Ф two 25 mm x 25 mm; Ф a 75 mm x 25 mm. 
Insulation breakdown voltage tester to note: 
1, dielectric breakdown strength tester when installation should be independent grounding line. 
2, in front of the boot, the operator should be familiar with the operation method in the first place. 
3, instrument cannot be in a strong corrosive gas and particle impurity gas environment. 
4, test environment temperature between 15 to 25 degrees, relative humidity between 60% and 70% 
5, sample spark breakdown moment accompanied by sound, belongs to the normal phenomenon. 
6, each replacement sample or contact electrodes must be used when high pressure discharge rod for high voltage electrode discharge, discharge time more than 5 seconds. 
7, before each test, must check instrument grounding. 
Test method: dc/ac: breakdown test, compression test, step test 
Display mode: curve/data display, data printing. 
Test space: insulating oil/air 
Pressure rise rate: 0.1 KV/S - 3 KV/S 
High precision: 2% or less 
About the breakdown voltage test terms, definitions, and type: 
1, resistance to voltage value: will the voltage to the specified value, breakdown, keep a certain time sample is not according to the voltage value of withstand voltage value of the sample; 2, breakdown voltage, specimen under a certain voltage is punctured, at this time of the voltage value according to the breakdown voltage; 3, breakdown voltage intensity: the thickness of the sample breakdown voltage and its ratio, according to the voltage, expressed as a KV/mm. 
Insulation breakdown voltage tester applicable materials: 
Is mainly suitable for solid insulating material such as wire casing, resin and rubber, impregnated fiber products, mica and its products, plastic, ceramic, glass, insulating paint, rubber, cable paper, insulating paint film, hard rubber, cardboard in air or fluid medium, such as insulating medium measuring power frequency (48 ~ 62 hz) or the corresponding breakdown strength under dc voltage and voltage withstand time. Apply continuous uniform booster or booster way, step by step toward a sample dc, ac/or until the breakdown voltage, breakdown voltage measurement, calculation of sample breakdown strength; Use the method of rapid booster, e., will increase the voltage to maintain a certain amount of time the sample breakdown, not set the withstand voltage value of the specified value for sample and now. 
Insulation breakdown voltage tester to note: 
1, test process can't let irrelevant personnel near, because of this test instrument can produce high voltage, not trained personnel can not use the equipment. Test for care workers, not a single use. In case of one thousand something unexpected happens. 
2, do not use the equipment for a long time, when in use again, let the instrument light pressure, namely the high voltage electrode connection from the pressure on the ball. Check the computer test interface, see if high voltage is normal. 
Some accidents happen in 3 and test to cut off power supply in time, the problem can continue to test after processing. 
4, equipment put to smooth, lay the ground to strong. It is best to cement floor to avoid resonances. 
5, the equipment is in use shell to protect earthed, both equipment enclosure to the earth, in order to protect the operator and the safety of the equipment operation. 
6, after using the device, to switch off the system power supply, the parts are not allowed to be charged to plug the power cord. 
7, to the voltage of power supply in accordance with the provisions, access equipment. To ensure correct circuit connection. Otherwise it will damage to the equipment. 
8, the instrument should be placed in the interior, the laboratory should be clean, dry, no corrosive medium, the relevant personnel don't operate. 
9, don't let equipment cable against sharp edge, so as not to cut the cable insulation; Don't put the cable under the weight, in order to avoid pressure caused by the cable fire; Don't use cable to pull object or bundled with cable, so as not to snap cable equipment will not operate properly. 
10, don't let equipment encounter splash water, corrosive gas, flammable gas and combustible. If they don't avoid, fire. 
11, moving equipment, to cut off the power supply equipment, as well as the plug from the socket. Ban move down device or equipment at more than 45 ° Angle. 
12, do not plug equipment during operation of the power plug. 
13, instrument installation should be independent grounding line. 
14, in front of the boot, the operator should be familiar with the operation method in the first place. 
15, instrument cannot be in a strong corrosive gas, and to be used in particle impurity gas environment. 
16, test environment temperature between 15 to 25 degrees, relative humidity between 60% and 70%. 
17 spark breakdown moment, sample produce and accompanied by sound, belongs to the normal phenomenon. 
18, each replacement sample or contact electrodes must be used when high pressure discharge rod for high voltage electrode discharge, discharge time more than 5 seconds. 
19, before each test, must check instrument grounding 



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