
當前位置:首頁   >    產品中心   >       >    海綿壓陷硬度試驗儀   >   HMYX-2000的軟質泡沫聚合材料壓陷性能測試儀 產品展示


型 號HMYX-2000




實時動態繪制曲線認為感觀更加清晰精準 并且可以保存、調取、打印,實驗結果 操作更加靈活



海綿壓陷硬度測試儀,    產品型號:HMYX-2000  :海綿壓陷試驗儀,壓陷硬度測試儀, 海綿壓陷硬度試驗儀,

海綿壓陷硬度測試儀, 制作標準:


GB10807-2006 軟質泡沫聚合材料壓陷性能測試標準

一、   海綿壓陷硬度測試儀,主要適用范圍及功能

實時動態繪制曲線認為感觀更加清晰精準 并且可以保存、調取、打印,實驗結果 操作更加靈活

二、海綿壓陷硬度測試儀 特點:

1、 壓陷量預先設定,通過計時電路精確控制壓陷量;

2、 使用方便:采用高精度壓力傳感器和大規模集成電路;

3、 測定精確:提供三種測定壓陷硬度的方法;

4、 壓頭運行平穩,其速度為100mm/min;

5、 壓陷硬度測定范圍:0-2000 N

6、 測力zui小分辨率:0.2 N

7、 測定誤差:<1%

三、海綿壓陷硬度測試儀 技術參數:


(2)、壓陷硬度測定范圍:0-2000.0 N

(3)、測力zui小分辨率:0.25 N


五、海綿壓陷硬度測試儀 主要配置:








 海綿泡沫切割機 HMQG-100


                            以信譽  營客戶     以質量  鑄市場    以技術  保精準   以售后 造未來


                         北京北廣精儀儀器設備有限公司    www.beiguangjy.com



Indentation hardness tester sponge, sponge hardness tester, indentation hardness, indentation hardness of the sponge, sponge indentation hardness
Sponge indentation hardness tester, product type: HMYX-2000: sponge indentation tester, indentation hardness tester, sponge indentation hardness tester,
Sponge indentation hardness tester, standard manufacturing:
GB10802 soft polyurethane foam
GB10807-2006 flexible cellular polymeric materials Standard Test Method for Indentation
A sponge, indentation hardness tester, the main scope of application and function
Mainly applied to soft bubble coalescence and materials such as: sponge, foam isobaric in hardness in national standard A method, B method, C method under the standard size of sponge, foam samples standard test,
Measure the sponge, foam and other materials of the indentation hardness. The apparatus controlled by computer, the test process of various data for rapid, accurate acquisition, processing, and can access, display, print,
Accurate curve stress bidirectional display more intuitive display of the test results.
Real time dynamic curve drawing that sense is more clear and accurate and can save, print, transfer, experimental results more flexible operation
Two, indentation hardness tester features sponge:
1, sag volume preset timing circuit, through the precise control of pressure settlement;
2, easy to use : the use of high accuracy pressure sensor and large scale integrated circuit;
3, accurate determination of: providing three determination of indentation hardness method;
In 4, the pressure head is running smoothly, its speed is 100mm/min;
5, indentation hardness measurement range: 0-2000 N
In 6, force measurement resolution: 0.2 N
Determination of 7, error: <1%
Three, sponge indentation hardness tester technical parameters:
( 1): 100mm/min, speed;
( 2), indentation hardness measurement range: 0-2000.0 N
( 3), force measurement resolution: 0.25 N
( 4): <1%, measurement error
Five, indentation hardness tester main sponge configuration:
The test host a
Disc a
Sensor a ( 200 kilograms of spoke type )
A computer control card
Color inkjet printer
Computer a
Canton company other sponge foam for detection equipment:
Sponge foam indentation hardness tester -HMYX-2000
Sponge foam tensile strength tester -HMLS-1000
Sponge foam constant-load pounding tester -HMPL-2000
Sponge foam ball rebound tester -HMLQ-500
Sponge foam compression tester -HMYS-200
Sponge foam cutting machine HMQG-100
Canton company for products in strict accordance with the national standard production, strict manufacturing process to ensure that every factory equipment quality and performance excellence, quality service, quality and cheap.
To the credibility to the quality of casting market main customers with technical and customer service to create the future.
Professional, technical precision, Gao Kua,
Beijing North Canton precision instrument equipment limited www.beiguangjy.com


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